In the past week it has been an amazing assortment of snow, so I figured I would start with my list and you can add any other types you know of:
Styrofoam snow (the perfect balls that pack, but don't really lose their round shape)
Pinprick snow (so small you can only feel them as they whack into you on the run)
Fat slushy snow
Fat Light Snow
Gentle Drifting Snow
Invisible Snow (similar to pinprick snow, but not as painful)
Coating Snow (the type that just coats everything, even when it's wet)
Whacky Snow (that doesn't fall with any rhyme or reason)
Rain Snow (if you didn't see the white on the ground you would assume it was raining)
Blizzard Snow (the kind that is so thick you can't tell if it fits any of the above categories).
Nope - I think you've got it!!!