Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How did this happen?

For those who can't tell this is a pizza round. I'll give a week to let people guess at what happened to it, and then I'll modify the post and give the answer. . . don't forget to check back.


  1. it went from the freezer/fridge straight to the already heated oven?

  2. I almost forgot to update this. Pictured above is Jason's brilliant attempt to cook an egg on stoneware over an open flame. Let's just say . . . "don't try this at home"
    For those who don't know, stoneware could actually shatter and throw shards, so he was quite lucky that he and the baby made it through this little incident unscathed.
    I give thanks to Heavenly Father who probably knew that I wouldn't survive mentally if anything like that were to happen.
