Sunday, April 19, 2009

School starts. . . didn't we just go through this?

The pattern begins again. Jason and I both start school this week. My Monday class canceled, which is quite nice. I also received an email this last week, two in fact, from my advanced and intermediate accounting teacher (two classes by the same teacher). In both classes I am to have my first chapter read and prepared for the first day of class. . . AHHH!

Jason doesn't know anything about his class because even though he's emailed the teacher twice about getting a copy of the syllabus in advance he hasn't heard anything back.

I couldn't remember if I posted this one before. Alisabeth got new glasses in preparation for summer. I think she looks hot.

We also got an unexpected check for extra work I did on the side this week, so it went to my new toy, which Jason immediately put to good use.

I also baked the perfect quiche this week. Usually it rises and looks generally like this, however, this time it was like perfect. It actually cooked in the time allotted (instead of an extra 15 minutes) and it was round and moist. Jason helped with the mixture so maybe actually measuring is the key. I think I'll have him do it again next time and I'll watch closer this time :)

This one we wanted to include just so you can get perspective on those ramps Jason built. . . they're huge.

Course, a neighbor tried to use them for an oil change and pulled just a little too far forward and tipped up the back end about six inches. Jason had him slowly reverse until he was in the correct position. Ah the joys of collage life.

The only other cool thing is that Jason was invited to an extravaganza through a local company. They are putting on a free fair for entrepreneurs and small businesses. The lady in charge has had her car worked on by Jason several times and liked his work ethic so she invited him to put up a table, give away some coupons and basically advertise his business for free.
Since he and I have decided to push my schooling through and he'll stay home for this semester it's a great opportunity. He can work on cars while she's napping or playing with friends and it will be a nice unexpected income. (Not to mention the great experience with diagnosing problems and fixing things). Every day he gets a little closer to the idea of opening up his own shop. I will be very interested to see what life is like in 5 years.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Remember this picture, and how we said it wasn't too important that she was stuffing toys into it since she didn't really use it?
We've set a pattern that in the morning when we all get up, since we go and sit on the toilet we put her on her toilet.
This morning she sat for a minute and played with the bathmat with her foot. Finally she stood up and moved around, so I got the diaper ready. Then she sat back down. We usually let her have as much time as she wants because that's what the manuals say. That way she'll be more comfortable when we really start trying. Well, she got up a second time and looked down then moved a bit away. I picked her up and asked if she was "All done?" but she said no again, so I started to put her back on. . . and guess what I noticed. The potty wasn't empty anymore.
That's right people, today marks the first day that Alisabeth went potty outside of her diaper.
Since she really only goes the the bathroom a few times a day now we're going to try for the pattern of "potty time" after she finishes each meal and see how it goes. We may be done with diapers!!!! (Don't worry, I'm not really getting my hopes up yet).

Sunday, April 12, 2009

And now the rest of our life:

Jason is finally done with school!! (this semester anyway)
He seems to have come out with fairly decent grades, but I think he's also come away with a better understanding of school. We had a lot of talks this semester, especially about seemingly pointless classes. We both realized that there are a lot of things we've been able to take from our "useless" classes that have really helped us whether in future school or in life. For me a great example of this is my statistics class which really opened my eyes to a lot of patterns and possibilities, or my Economics class which really helped me see the interconnectedness of almost levels of life (business, private, personal. . .)

I'm pretty grateful that I've been forced to take these additional courses, because despite the fact that they've made my schooling much more expensive, and much longer, they have also definitely broadened my perspective and given a needed rounding to my education. Thanks faculty I used to curse!

Alisa's Photo Shoot

There were many more, but I think these two capture the gist of our daughter. Mysterious and dangerous, but also lovable and sweet. The question is, can you tell which is which?

She got some new sunglasses for the cruise in August, so hopefully with practice she'll actually keep them on!

Now that her dad built her a nice sturdy (painful when it is dropped on your foot) doll crib, it's good to see her using it for practical purposes.

We've also begun the first stages of potty training. We're teaching her what a potty is, and how to use it. She doesn't quite understand yet, but I'm sure we'll get there :)

Lastly, this kid must have gotten some sort of brain steroids when she was in the womb. Seriously she's never seen or played with this before.

As promised:

The Galusha Dream Team:

These are the file rooms. One is also the storage room. The second one has no heating system, so even though it has a fridge for sodas and juice for the employees and clients, its not really necessary during the winter.

Next to the storage rooms is the newest employee of Galusha. Recently graduated Troy, he served with me in the McAllen Mission, but he doesn't remember me much. Almost across from him are our offices: Notice the three petitions. I'm the last one.

This is my desk and one of my cell-mates Nikkus. He just accepted an offer from the company to become a full employee, so I guess he's technically newer than Troy.

Next in line is Dots office, not pictured here, then Spencer, Brandon and Clark (they're the ones I hound when I can't figure out a question).

Then the secretaries are across the way. They basically make up the hub of the office with everyone else ringed around them. So true to life. Also above is my old office, now occupied by more important people.

This is Jeff and Daniel. Jeff is the office manager, and really great guy. He's the one I sucked up to to get the job :) Just kidding. He did do the recruiting when I was hired though.

I still don't have pictures of the three other partners, they were all a little busy with clients when I brought in the camera, but we have an After Tax Season party on Wednesday evening at the Sandpiper so I should be able to get a few good pictures with their spouses and everything.

As you can see, except for Nancy, everyone was happy to play along with my picture game. :) Nancy refused and said she would have to destroy my camera if I tried. Nancy is the one that reminds me of Grandma Liddeke :)

In fact about 1/2 of them asked if it was my last day because I was snapping so many pictures, but I assured them it wasn't. I will miss them next year. Hopefully I'll be able to find some dedicated people for them next year. I'm going to be secretly scouting through my class-mates. Shh, don't tell them.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This week, finally.

So I finished the last tax return that was piled up on my desk today. It was an odd feeling. I looked around, my desk was empty. I moved the stapler, phone and hole punch back to their original place against the wall at the back of the desk then looked around as if something may have appeared. Nope, nothing. There's still a week until the 15th, what the heck people, you're supposed to be keeping me employed!!

I ended up working on extensions for the rest of the day. For the remaining time until the season is over that will be my new job, as well as answering phones, running errands and being the puppet of the 3 secretaries, because right now is the time the stuff hits the fan for them. They have the hard work of getting everything organized, signed shipped, faxed, mailed, filed and otherwise taken care of after the partners get through with them. If you ever wondered why we would have something like a "Secretary's Day" just try to imagine doing all of that yourself while still trying to get your normal work done. I am so thankful for the secretaries around the world!! Go you!

On another note, Jason has ONE day left. By this time tomorrow he will be done with his last two finals and watching the presentations in his auto class. Yeah!! Another semester under the belt! I'm so proud of all that he's done this semester.

Here are some of the highlights:

The car ramp was his final project which he completed in enough time to make the baby crib for Alisabeth. Isn't he sweet!

We were also able to attend our respective mission reunions. Pictured here is Jason's first president in New Zealand, and me with President Lewis behind me trying to tell Alisabeth not to crawl on the table.

Alisabeth has also had quite a semester. She's amazing and learns so quickly. Just today Jason was saying that she was too quiet and when he looked up she was looking at him and pulling all of the wipes out of the contained one by one, as soon as she saw him start to get up she stuck out a hand and said "no, no, no!"

Evidently she's not quite big enough to sink in snow yet. After walking around for a few minutes she started getting a little taller. Finally Jason realized why.

Sorry, I don't have any pictures of my office. I'll try to get a few shots for next week. It's beautiful here in Rexburg, two days in a row without snow. Watch out, it might be spring!

How did this happen?

For those who can't tell this is a pizza round. I'll give a week to let people guess at what happened to it, and then I'll modify the post and give the answer. . . don't forget to check back.


When Jason sent me these photos at work I seriously teared up!
She looks like such a lady here. My baby is almost gone, and it's incredible how beautiful she is becoming. What a time to be her mother!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Types of Snow

In the past week it has been an amazing assortment of snow, so I figured I would start with my list and you can add any other types you know of:

Styrofoam snow (the perfect balls that pack, but don't really lose their round shape)
Pinprick snow (so small you can only feel them as they whack into you on the run)
Fat slushy snow
Fat Light Snow
Gentle Drifting Snow
Invisible Snow (similar to pinprick snow, but not as painful)
Coating Snow (the type that just coats everything, even when it's wet)
Whacky Snow (that doesn't fall with any rhyme or reason)
Rain Snow (if you didn't see the white on the ground you would assume it was raining)
Blizzard Snow (the kind that is so thick you can't tell if it fits any of the above categories).