Jason doesn't know anything about his class because even though he's emailed the teacher twice about getting a copy of the syllabus in advance he hasn't heard anything back.
I couldn't remember if I posted this one before. Alisabeth got new glasses in preparation for summer. I think she looks hot.
We also got an unexpected check for extra work I did on the side this week, so it went to my new toy, which Jason immediately put to good use.
I also baked the perfect quiche this week. Usually it rises and looks generally like this, however, this time it was like perfect. It actually cooked in the time allotted (instead of an extra 15 minutes) and it was round and moist. Jason helped with the mixture so maybe actually measuring is the key. I think I'll have him do it again next time and I'll watch closer this time :)
This one we wanted to include just so you can get perspective on those ramps Jason built. . . they're huge.
Course, a neighbor tried to use them for an oil change and pulled just a little too far forward and tipped up the back end about six inches. Jason had him slowly reverse until he was in the correct position. Ah the joys of collage life.
The only other cool thing is that Jason was invited to an extravaganza through a local company. They are putting on a free fair for entrepreneurs and small businesses. The lady in charge has had her car worked on by Jason several times and liked his work ethic so she invited him to put up a table, give away some coupons and basically advertise his business for free.
Since he and I have decided to push my schooling through and he'll stay home for this semester it's a great opportunity. He can work on cars while she's napping or playing with friends and it will be a nice unexpected income. (Not to mention the great experience with diagnosing problems and fixing things). Every day he gets a little closer to the idea of opening up his own shop. I will be very interested to see what life is like in 5 years.
Sounds like things are going great for you guys! What a cute little girl! It's fun to read about your lives and see what you guys have been up to!--andrea