We had a really fun and busy week. I was able to substitute for the teacher that I grade for. He had some meetings and stuff to take care of, so I got to teach absolute value equations, basic algebra and numbers and stuff to two different math levels. It was a blast. I really learned a heck of a lot, both about methods of teaching and ways of understanding, and also a little faith lesson. I began to realize that through the school we have teachers and help, but we also have tutors available completely free for those who want the extra help. Several of these students are struggling and need the extra help, and others feel that they are on top of it, and don't need help. I thought of that in terms of my faith. God has provided teachers throughout my life, and then He also gave me a "free" tutor through the Holy Ghost who is constantly and willingly available to help me "pass" life. My responsibility is to seek that help and get my life and mind to a place where I can receive it. I think it's also important to realize that even when I feel like I've got a handle on things, I still need Him in my life.
School went well for me this week too. I built a 3-D model of a cell in Biology, and studied the corruption in the business world in Accounting. (although that wasn't the intentional focus of the class).
All in all I'm loving this semester so far.
Jason also had a good week. He accomplished a lot at the house while maintaining the time to study and prepare for his physics class. So far he seems to be really enjoying it. He tells me all the new tidbits he's learning, and I share all my new BIO information with him. (For instance, did you know that the kangaroo rat doesn't need to drink water. As a bi-product of its cell functions water is produced in enough quantity to supply the little rat's needs. Ah if only my cells were that good :).
Also did you know that when your body kills off a bacteria it breaks it down and uses the proteins and materials just like it would any other food source, so basically, you're eating your enemies.
So here are this weeks winning photos:
The name was inspired. I was trying to think of something out of the ordinary that would attract attention. Jason assured me that it worked as he watched people drive by mouthing the words with a confused expression on their faces :)
This was the fair that Jason went to. He set up his table, was able to get a sign through kinkos, and they were even able to throw together some business cards for him to hand out. It was way fun for him. He was also invited back for another one on the 30th. So far he hasn't seen any results from it, but that's cool. I told him he should still do the second one just to support what she's trying to do and get more people interested.
And of course the obligatory pictured of my little angel. She's so cute. Jason created a stronger bubble compound this week, so the bubble blower does a much better job and she enjoys it much more.
Also as a complete side note, a couple of friends of ours came over and showed us a cool thing called "chaining" I don't know if you've ever heard of it, but supposedly it can tell you the gender of your children and what order they'll come in. We totally busted that theory tonight, however it was really really neat to watch it. You simply hold a chain (like a necklace chain) over the wrist where it meets the hand and watch. My assumption is that due to the electromagnetic field around the body the chain begind to move in a circular motion. After a few seconds it will stop going in circles and will pendulum back and forth (either sideways or in line with the arm) then it will spin again and then go back and forth. Supposedly each time it goes back and forth it is telling you which gender the child will be, and each child is seperated by the circling pattern. When all of your children are accounted for it just stops. So mine stopped at 2 kids the first time, one of each gender and Jason's stopped at 3. . . I asked him to explain, but he didn't have an explanation. . .
We had a lot of fun playing with it none the less. I think it's amazing that there is an actual current flowing around the body and that it can be seen interacting with other objects. It makes interpersonal relationships and the idea that "we just didn't mesh" much more real.
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