Remember this picture, and how we said it wasn't too important that she was stuffing toys into it since she didn't really use it?
We've set a pattern that in the morning when we all get up, since we go and sit on the toilet we put her on her toilet.
This morning she sat for a minute and played with the bathmat with her foot. Finally she stood up and moved around, so I got the diaper ready. Then she sat back down. We usually let her have as much time as she wants because that's what the manuals say. That way she'll be more comfortable when we really start trying. Well, she got up a second time and looked down then moved a bit away. I picked her up and asked if she was "All done?" but she said no again, so I started to put her back on. . . and guess what I noticed. The potty wasn't empty anymore.
That's right people, today marks the first day that Alisabeth went potty outside of her diaper.
Since she really only goes the the bathroom a few times a day now we're going to try for the pattern of "potty time" after she finishes each meal and see how it goes. We may be done with diapers!!!! (Don't worry, I'm not really getting my hopes up yet).
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