He seems to have come out with fairly decent grades, but I think he's also come away with a better understanding of school. We had a lot of talks this semester, especially about seemingly pointless classes. We both realized that there are a lot of things we've been able to take from our "useless" classes that have really helped us whether in future school or in life. For me a great example of this is my statistics class which really opened my eyes to a lot of patterns and possibilities, or my Economics class which really helped me see the interconnectedness of almost levels of life (business, private, personal. . .)
I'm pretty grateful that I've been forced to take these additional courses, because despite the fact that they've made my schooling much more expensive, and much longer, they have also definitely broadened my perspective and given a needed rounding to my education. Thanks faculty I used to curse!
Alisa's Photo Shoot
There were many more, but I think these two capture the gist of our daughter. Mysterious and dangerous, but also lovable and sweet. The question is, can you tell which is which?
She got some new sunglasses for the cruise in August, so hopefully with practice she'll actually keep them on!
Now that her dad built her a nice sturdy (painful when it is dropped on your foot) doll crib, it's good to see her using it for practical purposes.
We've also begun the first stages of potty training. We're teaching her what a potty is, and how to use it. She doesn't quite understand yet, but I'm sure we'll get there :)
Lastly, this kid must have gotten some sort of brain steroids when she was in the womb. Seriously she's never seen or played with this before.
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