Monday, January 18, 2010

My husband is amazing!

I was left alone in my room and woke up to the sound of an empty house. When I came to I headed for the shower. Half-way through I heard a little animal squeel in the front room and knew that my husband had brought her home.
I thought nothing of this, but when I came out of the bathroom this was the second thing I saw. . . Isn't he amazing?!
They're absolutely beautiful, and the last ones the florist had in stock. Gotta love fate :)


  1. Those are pretty! I don't think I've received flowers from Jason the whole time we've been dating or married. I should get on him about that;)

  2. Jason does it rather sporadically. He didn't for a while because I said not to bother, but then he realized I was lying and he changed his ways :)
