Sunday, January 25, 2009

Snow tires and other winter secrets

I don't have much time for writing this week because I was invited to dinner and have meetings. Everyone seems to think that because my husband is out of town I suddenly need a lot of extra love and support. I guess they're right.
This week was good. I worked, and oh it was nice. I'm basically the queen of Trust tax returns. Last year I did over 200. This year the pile is high and growing. They are the first things in the door because the banks usually control them and keep the records accurate so Jan 1 they can print them out and ship them off.

About Thursday is when they finally got our cubicle up. Previous to that I was stealing offices from others :)

Friday the snow storm began. It is expected to last until Tuesday and has dropped a total of about a foot on us in the last 3 days. I felt bad for my husband as he drove white-knuckled to the airport that morning. We were running late and the snow removal crew out here isn't the best so needless to say the 1/2 hr trip lasted about an hour. Once I dropped him off I headed back to work which was only about 10 minutes away. I was lucky. There was no one on the road so I drove with reckless abandon. Even when I slipped the snow was deep enough to stop me before I went too far so I didn't mind the drive at all. Saturday was another story altogether. It was snowing hard and had snowed all night. It was horrible outside. Luckily my co-worker drove us in and back.
But that morning after leaving the temple parking lot I had a brush with death that sealed the deal. (Okay so I wouldn't have died and I probably wouldn't have even gotten hurt.)
As I was headed down the slope from a high parking lot to a lower area the little car in front of me freaked out because she didn't know how to drive so she stopped dead in the snow at the bottom of the incline. I was 1/2 way down the incline and a little ways away and tried to stop, but my car didn't want to. So I thought . . . if I don't do something I'm going to hit her. So I turned my wheel thinking that at least I would go into the snowbank beside us.
No use. The car continued forward until I was inches from her bumper. Finally the boy convinced her to at least move out of the way so she pulled forward about 5 feet and stopped again to switch places with the young fellow. Meanwhile I was just sighing in relief and stopping the urge to curse her.

So here's what I've learned so far, for those who know correct and add as needed:
2) Don't turn the wheel if you start slipping, hold it steady.
3) Don't go 50 in a 50 m/h zone
5) When your tires are spinning no amount of additional pressure on the pedal will move you.
6) If you want to stop later, start stopping now.
7) Driving on bad tires is like walking up to a policeman and punching him in the face. . . just don't do it.
and finally. . .
8) Driving 5 feet away from the vehicle in front of you is a good way to see if God has a plan for your life, or if He's done with you.

I love you all, thanks for reading this week.

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