Alisabeth has been having issues with bath time recently because she hates getting water in her face so if I try to rinse off her head she goes ballistic. Basically that means that I am constantly battling to try to get her laid down so I can rinse her hair while she's not freaking out. These are a few shots of her under the bubbles. Once she's down she absolutely loves laying down because she can kick out her feet and play around, but getting her there is like a root canal on a man with a denist phobia.
Memorial Day was beautiful. I defrosted a roast and cut it up, glazed it in barbeque and Jason and I drove back out to the Teton Dam and had shishkabobs and rice. Alisabeth ran around and threw rocks into the water until she stepped a little to far. After that she stayed pretty close to us. The area was absolutely gorgeous (my first time there) and the weather was very cooperative.
After we finished there we went and planted a garden at a friend's house. They cut us off a chunk of ground and we planted corn, squash, zuccinni, peas, carrots, strawberries, potatoes and a tomato plant. I am really excited to see what we get out of it all. The wife is also going to teach me how to jar and can the fruits to make jam when this is over. I'm really hoping to be able to learn some cool skills while I'm out here. We're also working on a box garden over there which is a nice alternative to trying to make the ground work for you. It's probably the method we'll start with when we get down to Tucson.
After we finished there we rushed back home and spent the evening learning Dungeons and Dragons from some friends downstairs. Honestly the rest of the day was just a build up to the main event for me. I was so excited to learn.
I started a druid elf who luckily has an animal friend in the form of a tiger. :) My tiger was stronger than all of the rest of us put together. It was a lot of fun.
For those who don't know what D&D is, it is the original roleplaying game. Before they had computers they had people like me who made up characters and went on adventures killing all the monsters and saving the damsels in distress. One person is a storyteller and pre-writes the adventure and then leads everyone else on a turn by turn adventure. Each character has their own style, race, and profession. You can start with whatever basics are allowed by your character and then you build your character's experience, reputation, and abilities as you have adventures and take out bad guys.
The week was a good one too. We didn't do anything incredibly complex. We had people over a couple of times and enjoyed games and food, which honestly, just can't be beat.
We also caught up with another couple that used to live next door to us but ended up moving when they put restrictions on the size of family allowed in the complex (because of the county restrictions). They're a really neat family and it was nice to get back with them and their kids.
Well, that's our excitement for a while. I hope your week's have been as AMAZING as ours. :)
Nana G had THE BEST trick for rinsing hair (she's the only one I didnt freak out for). fold a WET face cloth and have her hold it over her eyes. Tell her that it stops the water from getting into her eyes. Works like a charm.