About 2 weeks ago (for those of you not on facebook) I went and got the material for Alisabeth's Halloween costume. Now I know I could have made it a lot cheaper, but it's dang gorgeous, so it must be worth it :)
I still have the hemming to do, but luckily with toule it doesn't fray, so I just hemmed the satin for now and I'll get to the rest soon . . .
I also completed the crown and necklace to go with it. . . but I let her play with them. . . and now they're gone...
With the scraps I threw together a little skirt today. It's got a waistline in silk and a skirt of the sleeve material. Way cute. . . not at all modest. I'm thinking of adding in a pair of cotton shorts underneath so she won't have to wear a leotard or tights underneath. She loves it though, and it did it's job to distract her from the real dress which she can't wear until Halloween.
These were my main two accomplishments. (in the kiddo department anyway).
I also took the sewing opportunity to finish the pajama pants I started a month ago. They're way cute, and made from a clearance piece of silk that was BARELY large enough to accommodate the pattern. I ended up having to cut the pant legs to get it to fit with the patterned part in the right place, but the cut doesn't look horrible, and they're just for jamies, so I didn't stress too much.
In the cooking department I also had several successes. We have started signing up for Bountiful Baskets which arrive the Saturday after you purchase them. They are filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, the down side is that you never know what you'll get until you get there. We've had some mishaps (cauliflower potatoes that were too soupy) and some good surprises (like a constant source of lettuce which forces me to eat salad almost every day now), but the best part is getting things that we have no idea what to do with. In my last basket we got both okra and butternut squash. Also that week we purchased a case of apples.
I let them all stew for about a week until I was afraid they would start to go bad and then I forced myself to use them:
Okra - yoked, dipped in french bread crumbs and fried for a few minutes until golden brown and soft inside. Very nice.
Apples - nothing interesting yet, but I think I'm going to try an apple pie from scratch wish me luck.
Butternut squash - this was my true dilemma because my husband hears the word squash and automatically doesn't like it. So I used my handy-dandy search engine on Allrecipes.com and ended up with Butternut Squash soup. I figured it I got it cooked before he got home he'd never know. . . plus it had cream cheese in there. :) Turned out to be a huge success. He saw the recipe, so I couldn't slip it past him, but he tried it anyway and found that he liked it. I enjoyed it too and Alisabeth even ate a small bowl. Good times were had by all.
My last cooking success actually came today. I used our pork roasts to make sweet pork and then used that to make tamales for the first time every. I was worried, but they turned out great. I learned a bit and I think they'll be even better next time.
On to the smaller members of our family: Midnight is still alive. . .
Alisabeth started going to a preschool group with a bunch of other moms from the church with kids about the same age. I went with her the first day and it's a good thing I did because the second mom ended up having to take her daughter to the doctors for some stomach thing so she would have been all alone with 7 toddlers.
It was fun. We studied circles and made frog faces from circle shapes. We also studied the letter m and traced it, colored pictures and learned a bunch of words that start with the "m" sound.
In two weeks it'll be at my place. . . we're going to make goop from cornstarch and water and play with it outside, and make ghosts from lollipops and tissues. I'm excited. Our letter is going to be "o" so we'll have to see what we can do.
Little Gym was also really fun this week. We moved up to the next class so that she's in there without me. There are two teachers and they do a really good job or keeping the kids focused. The theme was "under the sea" and we were supposed to bring swim goggles, but I didn't know so instead she pretended. This week's theme is "Slumber Party Sleepover" so we'll be in pajamas and with blankie. Good luck on that one.
We finally finished out training this last week for foster care, now the only thing holding us back is the wiring at our place. That should be done within the month and then we'll be on our way to success!! I'm stoked.
Jason worked a lot this last two weeks, but he's still managed to be a great dad. They had a camp-out two weeks ago in the backyard complete with a fire in a pit.
He also cleaned up all the cactus that had fallen down and got that dumped. He'd done a lot of running around for me, including picking up our new (used) bookcases.
Continuing his car fetish he's fixed a few for friends, but somehow the karma of that never rubs off right because he got two flat tires this week in a row. We now have to replace all of his tires. . . grrrrr. Luckily their sales turned out to be more than we expected so we have the extra cash for the extra expense. (Amazing how that happens when God is in control).
He's also spent every other second reading through the Harry Potter series again. He's obsessed!!
Other than that it's been a quiet day in the neighborhood. Thanks for joining us.
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