We had dinner at grandma and grandpas on Sunday, preschool on Monday, little Gym on Tuesday.
Then I got a call from Grandma that her girls were down for the count with something nasty.
They'd gotten it from the other set of cousins. Symptoms: vomiting, stuffy nose, coughing, fever.
Yes, beautiful.
So I started watching for the signs. Thursday night she was warm and whiny so I checked the temp: 102
Since I knew exactly what it was I called grandma instead of heading to the hospital and we started her regiment of children's medicines. We also got some for Jason since he was starting to feel the itchy nasty throat.
I called and canceled our trip to the pumpkin patch on Friday with the rest of the preschool and once again we stayed home.
I took it one day at a time and ended up canceling all of Saturday's activities too and now we're at Sunday and I've already made the calls. It started for me last night with a slight sore throat that progressed toward a raging soreness and clogged sinuses and nose. I know pretty picture right?
Well, there was one good thing that we accomplished this week:
We still got to celebrate Halloween because of an early church trunk-or-treat.
Her friend Bella came too and the two of them were able to be princesses together. Alisabeth also found a little girl who's grandmother had made the same dress. After Bella left for the night Alisabeth frolicked after the older Cinderella until we made her leave with us. So we got a little candy after all :)
We accomplished a few other things last night before I got sick too. Yesterday we got the boards up and the last outlet in for the living room circuit and I marked the places for a few more of them to go. Jason also started the repair plaster on the holes we'd already patched. We're going to wait to paint until we move out since we don't particularly care if the walls are drywall gray or white, but we'll get it in, nice and sanded.
Lastly on our list of accomplishments is this:
I got a couple of requests for pretty skirts similar to the one I made Alisabeth, so this is my next one. It's yellow tulle, even though it looks white. Also I'll be adding an orange ribbon along the bottom. This one is a gift, and I have a few other gifts to make, but I've been told I should sell them so I might make a few more to see how it goes.
They're super easy and cheap to make. The waistband is scrap material that I got in the discount bin (and super cute I might add) and the tulle was $2 a yard with a 50% off coupon which means that the yard you see here cost me $1.00. Gotta love sales.
Let me know if you want to place an order :)
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