So to end up this week I had mad gastrointestinal problems. This condition is aggrevated by eating greasy foods and stress. . . So I know what you're asking yourselves, what on earth would cause this problem for me? I eat perfectly healthy foods (like a bowl of ice cream on Wednesday night, and Mac & Cheese with Nuggets and Corn on Saturday)
Plus, what have I got to stress about? (Like the financial worry of whether or not my husband will get enough hours to make our rent payment every month, or where we're going to live . . .)
Well, despite all of those things probably helping to build the mountain, the straw that broke the camel's back was on Thursday evening. My mom needed to work from home so Alisabeth and I decided to meet Jason at the Mall to play in their kid's area. . . and if we happened to pick up a Cinnabon on the way, well that would just make it all better :)
We got almost there when we decided not to go the last 100 feet. :)
This is a Saturn advertisement by the way. . . even though they're going out of business.
This is the other guy
They moved my car so that traffic could get through and put it in a nearby parking lot.
Both airbags deployed, much to my annoyance. It was gone before I even realized I'd been hit :)
Not only that but I got out, got my baby out, and limped away. As always I was worried about explosions, but there wasn't even anything leaking from her!
Poor baby. I have a strong feeling she's not coming back from this one.
For those of you on facebook you've probably had a chance to read my poem, for the many of you that see this but not that I'll repost it:
Ode to my baby:
You have carried my family for a long time,
To see you thus seems such a crime.
In serving: you were the example most fair,
It's hard to see you with such a tear.
You gave us your all, your everything!
Even when in mud you were wreathing.
Over hills, dams, streets, ice, snow and dirt roads,
Always you returned us to our humble abodes.
We can't thank you enough for giving your life,
Your loss will forever cut me as with a knife.
This marks the 4th accident in 4 years of marriage. . . Can we please be done now?
Just as an update - there were no serious injuries. Alisabeth came out with a slight burn from the car seat's straps and I came out with a jammed thumb and some cuts and bruises, but that's it. The other side seemed to fair the same. The little boy's hand was a little sore, but he was tired of the ice by the time the police reports were finally written.
As for the gastrointestinal issues, I'll let you know if it gets any worse. Worse would mean the need for surgery . . . Let's hope not.
Now, backtrack more in time: I feel like I already told you about Lissa's new swim suit, so I'll just post this picture. . . If I didn't say anything then I'll post a comment :)
Previous to this: We made the deal with our new LandLord. We'll be moving in the 3rd week of June. That gives him enough time to do the major repairs and then we'll be finishing up the minor ones. It's a large place. I forgot the camera last time we went to look at it, so maybe next time I go :)
On the up side, if they do end up totaling the car it could be an answer to an unspoken prayer. The money for the car would allow us to pay off some of our student loans and lower our monthly payment a significant amount. Meaning that Jason wouldn't have to stress about getting tons of hours each week. The other benefit would be that the insurance and gas reduction would also help us significantly. Besides that I could take a little bit of the money and get material for curtains, a new shower curtain cover and a couple other minor decoration items for the new place. I'm really excited about the new house. It's pretty big and the yard will give me a project to keep my busy while Alisabeth plays outside. :)
It's been a good week. Sunday topped it all off when we were able to go to the dedication of the newest temple. It is located in the Gila Valley, which is still 2 hours from us, but it is nice to have another temple so close. President Monson was here as well as President Eyring and they spoke, along with a few others.
It was a very cool experience.
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