She loves wearing daddy's hats. . . and she looks so grown up in them!
She has just started this recently, they go in color order and all of the holes have to be filled. Silly girl.
Daddy told her to make a frowny face.
She has Jason's smile. Big and all teeth.
Jason's idea
She did this without any prompting! She was just sitting in the bath and got bored with playing I guess.
We painted toes this week. Now when she sees new people she sticks out her feet and says "I have toes!"
Normally she's got socks and or shoes on so they have no idea what she's talking about and simply nod their heads and reply "Yes you do!"
She's almost a pro at her bike now. She's even learned what it means to coast and not have to pedal downhill . . . lazy little slacker.
Gotta love the cute girl with the baseball cap.
So cute!! It looks like you guys are having fun! Now that school is over we need to go on that double date....goofy golfing here we come!!