zuccini and squash
A larger shot of our little square, the big plants are tomato and green pepper.
This was a general shot of the area. The girl with red sleeves is our neighbor who is also planting out here and she's on the corner of our square, the rest belongs to the home's owners. They've got a lot of stuff planted!!
This garden is because of the generosity of this family in letting us use their ground and tools. It's pretty awesome if you ask me.
The week was fun and long!! I actually finished most of this week's homework last week which was really nice because I wouldn't have had time to do anything this weekend. First we had our weekly D&D adventure where we were attacked by 3 dire lions and had to fight for our lives against creatures as tall as an RV. Then we finally made it to the safety of Stone City and were finally able to rest and prepare for the final leg of our journey toward the capital city where the prince will hopefully help us to find out more about who was sending zombies through a portal to our small town. :)
Then Saturday morning at 6:45 I sat outside of Walmart and took people's money until 2:00. I collected about $1,900 in all. It was nice. Unfortunately I was forced to deposit it at about 3:45 when we finished counting it and verifying it against our totals. It was for a yard sale for the American Cancer Society. We also had to take a few minutes to get over the heart attack that happened.
On Thursday I threw together a program for microsoft excel that would allow us to enter the totals and would tally everything up for each of the teams that were there selling stuff. We used it throughout the day and about half-way through I realized that there was a slight glitch and that the team names weren't quite lining up with the amounts that were being recognized. No big deal I just had to make a note of which teams were off and then reassign the numbers. Other than that it seemed to be working perfectly. So we go to count all the money and my spreadsheet has a total of 1700. When Mitch finished counting the cash and had a total of 1900 I just about pooped in my pants thinking that for sure I hadn't screwed up the program enough that it would actually LOSE money, but here we were about 200 off and I was dying. Finally I realized that we had actually received a cash deposit from one of the groups before the yardsale had started and I had simply put the cash in with everything else and wrote a note to myself about it, but I had completely forgotten that about 8 hours later. Shoot, when we realized that we were perfectly fine and our totals were withing .14% of the spreadsheet total we were so relieved. So that was our last big event before the actual relay in two weeks. I'm excited but now I'm also nervous because I want to make sure we can handle it. There are only 3 of us!! We are supposed to be collecting money all night long!! This is going to be interesting. We'll probably just have the people collect for their own team and then run it to us every 1/2 hour or so as they collect enough to make it worth the trip.
Sunday was a nice restful day. Our neighbors had us over for dinner and Rose made the best (literally) meal I have ever tasted. It was mexican with tortillas on the bottom, sweet roast beef in the middle, lettuce, salsa, guacamole, a ranch/cilantro dip and black beans. Holy cow I stuffed myself like a pig and then the other couple that was there pulled out an apple crisp and some butterscotch chip cookies and I just about split my pants. It was a good night.
School is going well for us both. All the cool facts that I've learned in Biology scored me a 59% on my bio midterm, but all in all that dropped my grade to a C so I'm not too worried. (since it's not really part of my major anyway and I've got senioritis like nothing else).
Speaking of Biology, I missed last week's fact and I already had one picked out so here it is: "There are more bacteria living in your large intestine than total cells in your body."
(Don't worry, they're the good kind. One intestinal bacteria has a bi-product of Potassium.)
So this week's cool fact is: Stomach acid doesn't do much for digestion. It's main purpose is as part of the first barrier of defense against pathogens. Pathogens (viruses and bacteria) don't usually like acidic places and some don't like heat so the stomach is the best place to kill incoming stuff from the food/air.
Jason also learned a pretty interesting physics fact from his test: If a carpet and tile were at the same temperature, why would carpet feel warmer than the tile? Answer: Because tile is a better conductor of heat/cold than carpet is, so it takes in the outside temperature easily and releases it easily while carpet doesn't do that as well.
I think that's pretty much all of the excitement we've had this week. I'm enjoying my last accounting classes and I'm enjoying Alisabeth as she grows and learns SO MUCH STUFF!!!!
Here's one for you mom. . . One month and two weeks until we head out for Tucson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!