The week was fairly uneventful. I have a few pictures to add. We just took all of these today, so they’re nothing amazing, but Alisabeth is so cute I just had to put them up.
Isn't she just the cutest little toddler you've ever seen. She's wearing mommy's earings. This is one of her favorite pass times.
She loves to feel them dangling, and then she shakes her head as hard as she can to see if they'll fall off. If they do she says "uh-oh" picks them up and has me put them back on for her.
Jason finally got his way.

This is Alisa with her friend Paige. They're about 8 months apart, but they have a blast together. . . when Alisa isn't pushing or stealing toys or being annoying to the poor thing :) Don't worry, as you can see Paige is about the same size so she holds her own pretty well.
This is Alisa with her friend Paige. They're about 8 months apart, but they have a blast together. . . when Alisa isn't pushing or stealing toys or being annoying to the poor thing :) Don't worry, as you can see Paige is about the same size so she holds her own pretty well.
Jason had classes this week and had a fun project where he had to draw out a scale model of the classroom. He was missing a few important measurements, but overall he really enjoyed it. He was forced to print off a paper ruler though because we couldn't find ours.
My classes were fairly uniform this week. I took one test and one mid-term. I got a B on the test and we'll have to see how I did on the mid-term. It's for BIO so I'm really not worried about it because as long as I pass it I graduate and I really doubt that my employers twenty years from now are going to be worried about a BIO class when I got A's and B's in all of my accounting classes. Basically all of that is preview for me saying I don't think I did very well.
The test was on memorization and though I do fairly well on his class tests (over the chapter concepts), the memorization tests (which are seperate) are very difficult for me. We'll just have to see. I felt very confident on 75% of the questions, however there was 10% that I answered uncertainly and a definite 15% that I missed completely. (I only wrote something in the blanks so as not to leave empty space).
Tonight was a fun night. We talked a lot about building relationships with the people around us and getting to know one another at church and Jason and I followed that by inviting over 6 other families to eat and chat. We had a good time. There were two women out of all of us who had not served missions, so I think they felt a little out of place when the mission stories started to fly, but as soon as the subject changed to motherhood both of them joined in with avengence. Overall I think it went well. One of the couples stayed and played RISK with us. That was interesting.
Other than that. . . Well, we were forced to attend a live play through the school's drama department yesterday. I say forced because it was for my class, but it was actually a good night. It was called SMASH which comes from a Bernard Shaw play called The unsocialist socialist.
I laughed my head off for most of it. The actors and actresses were fairly good for students, and it took me about 5 minutes to realize that one of the actresses was a leader from the women's organization of the church who is also going to school here. She's a good friend of mine so it was neat to see her.
I hope you're having a great time in your own experiences. Keep me posted.
AHEM!!! I'm waiting for this weeks post. ;D