Saturday, February 13, 2010

Back. . . Home?

I find myself conflicted as I write this.
We are finally back in Arizona, and as promised the weather is gorgeous. We have blue skies, shorts on and the doors and windows open to let the cool breeze in. Everything I wanted. . . right?
At the same time my mother asked me, excitedly, "Who is the first person you're going to tell that you're back?"
I just looked at her blankly, not understanding her enthusiasm. Who would I tell? I hardly know anyone here anymore?
After 3.5 years away I'm going to have to learn who everyone is again. Besides family there wasn't anyone dying to see us, or waiting with baited breathe for us to come home.
I've got lots of people to catch up with, and lots of old friends to look up, but sadly, with tax season and single parenthood for the next two monthes I doubt I'll be able to do much of that either.
Can you tell I'm depressed?

On the positive end of the spectrum we had a great trip down. Hardly any bad weather and Alisabeth was amazing. She conked out the first day with no issues and slept quite well until we stopped for gas two and a half hours later. Then on Friday she stayed awake for the whole 8 hr trip but was amazing with hardly any complaints.
I got her bed together yesterday (Friday) night and made plans for this morning and then we both crashed. (She was so tired that she fell asleep on the way home from the store, woke up when I got her out but went back to sleep when I put her down to change her diaper and get her in pajamas. When I finished changing her she lugged herself into the closet (which has become her small bedroom) and by the time I got the milk in to her about 10 seconds later she was dead asleep.
Today we woke up at our normal time and started really getting down and dirty. I pulled out the vacuum, rearranged the bedroom and unpacked everything we had brought, then started scrubbing the walls. (After being on a cleaning spree at my apartment I couldn't just sit around looking at my mom's dust bunnies)

Oh, by the way I have to give a shout out to my husband who packed the car for us, he did an amazing job even finding safe places for my four plants. However, after we checked out of the hotel in Hendersen, NV I tried to duplicate his efforts and before we could drive down the road to the gas station two of the plants had already fallen over. You're amazing honey! (I won't mention who the crazy driver was at the time :p)

I wish I had taken a few before/after pictures of the apartment. I never thought of the walls/doors as dirty until I got up close to them, but I was amazed to see that they were in fact still white and pristine once cleaned. Instead I've included a couple of family shots right before we left and one priceless one.

This last one was taken on one of our last gaming nights at our friends house. While we were busy killing monsters and destroying aligator-men the babies were awfully quiet in the back room. On investigation this is what Jason found. All three of the toddlers looked like this. . . She's wearing black pants by the way.
Evidently they found a large container of baby powder and were determined to dress up for halloween. . . I think she did a pretty good job!

Well, I start work on Monday and that begins day 1 of the waiting time to start the home-loan process. They said they needed at least one month's worth of income in order to evaluate our potential. Hopefully they'll approve us because that gives me one more month to find a home and get the process started. I have to be able to put in a hard offer before April 30th so that we can qualify for the federal money, and that would mean a new washing machine and money for potential repairs/new home expenses. Pray for us if you can. There are A LOT of homes in our price range on the market right now, and most of them are move-in ready, so all I need is a bank to believe in us!
Jason is doing well too. I'll have to have him do his own posts for the next couple of months since I don't know all of the cool news in the great white north.

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