I was shocked. I realized that it was mostly due to the being on the phone with all the people we needed to talk to in order to get new services connected and get everything set up, but even then we were close on our minutes. . . so we decided to get a local phone connection. Of course, somewhere between that point and the time that we actually set everything up internet was also
added, but we won't mention that part too much.
Well, it's been so long since the last update that I realized you still haven't seen the new place! Unfortunately the battery on our camera is dead, and I'm not quite sure where the charger is, so we're just going to include what was already taken, so mentally update these pictures for 2 weeks. :)
Alisabeth's room, the two bedrooms are identical in size, even down to the window dimensions. . . So she has a lot of room, but this will be great if and when we are approved for foster care. . . more on that later.
Our room, Yes, it's basically a bed with a few feet to walk around in, but hey, it's not like we need anything more in there ;)
The kitchen and living room. Apparently I forgot to include a picture of my sewing area so just imagine an extra 4-5 feet behind the couch which is dedicated to sewing and crafts. Jason says that he and Alsiabeth aren't allowed back there. It's for mommy only.
Oh, nevermind, there it is. . . :)
We decided to put up our flags, but we're probably going to move them into the bedroom so that we can hang the GORGEOUS print my mom got for me right after we were married. I'm sure you'll see the final version sometime soon. :)
Lastly our struggle to get connected! Yesterday COX finally installed the connection for our phone/internet. That was the end of a 3 week battle to get them out there. It was also their last straw before we went with a competitor. The problem was that our 50 year old house has never had cable, so they sent out a contractor, but there wasn't a close enough connection point, so he put in the work order to get a connection moved by COX closer so that it could be connected. COX sent out a supervisor instead and the guy must have looked at the wrong house because he canceled the move and said it wasn't needed. So they sent out another contractor who spent about 45 minutes trying to figure out a way, but eventually capitulated and set up another connection move through COX. Apparently they listened this time, but the contractor had said it should be about 3 days to get it done. That was over the weekend, so I figured it would be by about Wednesday, well, when I called on Tuesday just to verify that they were coming I found out we had been pushed out until Thursday of next week because of the holiday. I kicked a HUGE fit and was called back about 10 minutes later with a dig/install date and time for yesterday. (Normally the dig and the install don't happen on the same day).
So finally, yesterday they came, dug up our backyard to bury a line, and then the installer came and freaked out because he couldn't find a connection point (the dig wasn't in the system yet), so he thought he couldn't do it, so I kindly walked him to the point his buddies had dug that morning and then waited patiently for 2 hours while the poor man hooked it all up in 115 degree weather. Let's just say if we were making more money all 3 of those installers would have received a tip. I was so delighted.
So we're finally connected again!
The only other neat adventure we're having is the foster care stuff. We got a call back almost 2 weeks ago to come and pick up the paperwork. The only thing we have left to complete is the on-line portion which I will be doing today. After that I just need to get my fingerprinting done and then the paperwork is in. We missed the deadline for the next class (which starts Monday), but we should be able to get started next month and then we'll start the in home licensing and interviews and all the fun stuff. Then we'll have a bunch of costs to get our home up to par with the requirements (double locked medicines/cleaning supplies) and we'll be ready to foster!
We're getting excited.
Well, I can see that I really need to maintain my weekly updates, because there are a lot of more fun stories I could tell, but I don't want to make this too long, so let me know if you want to hear about our shocking shower, or the overloaded electrics. I could also tell about the washer hook-up fun, or Alisabeth's second head injury that she just sustained today, but I won't bore you with details you don't care about :)
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