I decided to post a bit early this week because tomorrow is going to be hectic and then I won't be back at my computer for a week. Just imagine, I'll be laying out on the beach in 70 degree weather. I'll be riding roller coasters, listening to free concerts, touching and feeling at the Children's Museum, watching a turtle exhibit, eating out, eating in, going to comedy clubs, messing up a house that isn't mine, and in general having a blast. So sorry you can't make it.
These are the pictures I didn't have with me last week.

She seemed to really enjoy her nightgown and every time she sees it she wants to wear it. I really need to make another one, but all of the scraps I have are too small so I'm basically going to make a patchwork one with that matching scraps. I'll let you know how it turns out :)
As an update to last week's post I figured I'd post these pictures:

Please note, for those of you with circuit experience that the fuses are in parallel, except for one, which was connected to the return. Therefore though it shows 3 here 1 of them was most assuredly fried the minute they powered this box up.

The wire that you see running from the new box into the house will be replaced eventually. These ones were basically just to get the new power into the house where we hooked it up to the existing circuitry. (wow I can't spell).
Eventually all of this will be in metal piping which will keep it protected from the elements.
The new connection made immediate difference. We solved the grouding issues (there was no return line and therefore the "ground" was really a return line meaning that we had the full amount of electricity needed to complete the circuit flowing through our metal pipes. It was lovely.

And just in case anyone wanted to applaud us I wanted to include this one. Yep, that's in our room. . . Don't worry, everything is wire nutted and taped and completely safe for now, but it just looks crazy having wires sticking out everywhere. The best part? We figured out that the original installers actually used the uninsulated portion of the large wire to run actual current through. Yeah, you can't get much more unsafe than they were unless you actually sliced into a wire with a metal knife and then shoved old dried paper into the cut.

Next: Paintball wounds!! These are Jason's shoulder. He's got three hits in almost exactly the same place. I was much smarter, I got hit all over my body :)
Most of my wounds are in locations that I wasn't able to photograph, but they look about the same as this one, so no biggy there.
I do need to include here, for posterity, and because I promised he'd never live it down, that my first and worst wound was inflicted by my own husband. We were always on the same team, so how, you might ask, did I receive a wound from my very own husband?
The rental guns had hair triggers. That should explain most of it, but why was he aiming at me when he "accidentally" fired? That was also an "accident." He was skidding into the same location as me and fell forward slightly touching the trigger, but it was enough.
I cursed up a storm (without saying any curse words) and yelled at him, vowing that he would never forget it. I was so mad because it was basically point blank range and it hurt like a monkey's uncle. Luckily for him I had other concerns at that moment so I moved on and was fine by the end of the round.
Now on to my amazing daughter:
Alisabeth and her daddy do a lot of fun things together. They've explored the land around our house, they've played at the park, they've worked on the car, but I think this by far was the coolest.

What follows are photos take by Alisabeth with little or no help from daddy. She posed the animals and people as you see them and then aimed and clicked.

This photo was taken earlier in the day while her babies were still awake and happy. :)

We also had fun with cousins coming over for our "We-don't-live-in-cardboard-boxes-anymore" party. They had a blast playing out in the front yard, and after we had secured it the parents relaxed and enjoyed themselves too. :)

It was a fun event, lots of good food, and a generous amount of fun stories and adventures. Only one other couple (besides Jason's parents) were able to make it. Crystal and her husband came and brought their two little girls. I think the small event was perfect for the size of our house. We all fit inside well, and despite the humidity it wasn't terribly hot inside.
Lastly just an update on the foster care classes.
We had our first one and though it terrifies me at times to think of what these children will bring into my home (bad habits, behavior, language, anger, fear, struggles, ingrained behaviors), it terrifies me even more to think of them having to go to a group home, or never being found in the first place, or going back to their parents before their parents have had time and training enough to change. It has re-affirmed my conviction that this is something I want to do. It was so eye opening. I left the first meeting on Monday night with a headache, which is a sure sign that I learned a lot.
The training and program they have is amazing! I never knew how many regulations and rules CPS and other organizations have to follow, but I am grateful for them because as frustrating as it is to watch a young child be in the "system" for over a year while mom and dad have time to work through their issues, it would be even more frustrating if the parents weren't given the chance to have their family back, or if they went back to families who hadn't changed a thing. I'm excited for the ride.