What do you think, did we do it justice? I cut the skirt shorter to show off the boots, and his wings didn't turn out very well, but . . .
The spider queen reigneth.
We had a lot of fun on Haloween. Alisabeth gathered quite a bit of candy. She listened to me tell her to say "trick or treat" watched a few others do it and get candy dropped into their pumpkins and she was off. The trick was to get her to say "Thank you" afterward.
She did really well and had a lot of fun. (Course, now all I hear is "Candy?!")
This week also marked my yearly attempt at chicken noodle soup. I enjoy making it but last year it was just a soppy mess. This year I had to call it stew. The noodles were quick cooking and I didn't realize it so I gave them a whole 15 minutes to cook. They were REALLY tender.
I also have to add a plug for the terrible twos. Alisabeth and I walked into the grocery store this week and she made a b-line for the toddler carts that this store has just for little ones her size. I was trying to make this a quick visit so I forestalled her and dragged her screaming into the store. (She won't sit in the cart).
So we are walking through the produce section and a lady from the bakery comes running over with a chocolate-chip cookie. Pleased as a peach she sits in the cart and eats to her little heart's content. I get about half-way through the list this way and then she's done and wants out again. I let her out and she spends about 10 minutes doing really well at staying close.
Finally she got bored with that and took off in every direction. I quickly wrapped up the end of my list. and headed for the check-out stand. She quickly headed for the balloons by the help desk.
I unloaded the groceries as fast as I could. She tangled herself up in the balloon strings.
I headed around the side and she began to whine so I went to go and get her. I was then informed that they were getting her a balloon they promised.
I told them that was unnecessary as the store manager handed it to her over the counter.
I tried to tie it to her wrist only to have her tell me she wanted to hold it. Instead I tied it to my wrist, swiped my card and walked out of the store trailing a balloon and a daughter.
I guess it worked out better than last week when I forgot to lock her inside the car before I unloaded the groceries into the back and she took off into the parking lot. (The entire lot turned to look at me with big eyes when I yelled and took off after her. It scared the dickens out of me!)
Luckily I had the wits not to yell at her, I just told her she had scared me as I locked her inside her car-seat and then went back to the groceries.)
Jason had an uneventful week. He simply took a few mid-terms, worked on a couple of cars and played around. . . slacker. He also went shooting with a couple in our complex and had a blast. They did clay pigeons as well as targets.
Thursday he also took two more of the ASE certification tests. He felt more confident about the AC one this time around. We'll get the results in about 6 weeks.
That's about it.
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