Nope, that means you get pictures instead. See the tomato plant. Poor thing is trying so hard to grow it's tomatoes before it dies.
The corn came out fairly well. We actually ate it mixed with other stuff so I can't tell you if it was awesome, but it didn't taste bad :)
There are still more ears to go. . .I'll let you know.
So our garden was hit with the first frost of the year and then the second. The first didn't seem to have any effect, but the second got the tomatoes and the squash plants. . . We'll have to see what today's frost did when we go visit tomorrow.
On a D&D level our DM has been trying to kill us off with incredibly hard enemies and lots of them. This last group was about 20 zombies of various sizes and two gigantic stone golems which basically trampled through us. I have 69 hit points and he did 36 damage on the first pass, just to give you an idea of their abilities.
Luckily I have leveled up hugely in the last few games (because a side effect of trying to kill us is that he's sending higher level characters and when we beat them we gain a lot of experience and ability). So I was able to summon two gi-hugic earth elementals which suddenly pounded the two things into the ground like they were toy dolls :)
As for the 20 zombies. . . I turned the floor into mud and then once they had sunk down about chest deep I turned it back into stone :) Thus they were completely taken care of with no issues at all. Jason had also greased the stairwell so that they couldn't get at us.
We also went up against a guy who had magical cards that could cause random types of damage, but I was putting Alisabeth to bed during that so apparently I encased him in wood so that he couldn't throw any more cards and Jason levitated the mass and bumped him into the ceiling a couple of times to knock him out.
The other bad-guy for the night, as if all that wasn't enough was a creature under illusion which cast magic to paralyze us. Luckily only one person in our group was not suceptible and was able to free all of us every time. If it hadn't been for his ability to roll high on the save throw we would have all died a couple of times.
School also started a week and a half ago. It's good.
Alisabeth is speaking more clearly now. She's got a couple of sentences and a demanding personality! The one thing we're working on is whining. We can't quite figure out why she does it because we won't respond to it and instead make her tell us in words, but maybe it's just a never ending phase.
I think this is the cutest picture. She sat her little doll down next to her and comenced to have a conversation and play with her. She got very upset when her baby would not "baby sit!"
Jason is doing well. He is enjoying his parenting classes and his automotive classes.
Last summer he tried to fix a car and ended up breaking it beyond repair when he messed up the timing chain. So guess what his first assignment was in his automotive class? (I guess the first five students that came in had timing chain issues) so he'll be perfecting his abilities :)
He learned more about the roles and influence of mother and father this week too. I'm enjoying hearing about what he's learning.
My week was fun, I decided to give myself some sort of blood poisoning or serious infection in my finger so it is currently swollen to about twice the size of a normal index finger. It makes life a bit hard.
I've been taking meds and soaking it in Epsom salt a couple times a day but so far there have been no result. Basically, this means that Tuesday they're going to slice my finger open and get all the "crud" out of there.
I wanted to include this shot. This is my practice time with the french horn. . . they play very well. :)
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