Next on the list of cool things is that I was able to kill Jason off this last D&D game. Thus the name of this week's entry. . .
Now, before you judge me too harshly just imagine a dwarf who doesn't care about money. Instead said dwarf has become a sorcerer. Secondly because he's still a dwarf he has a strange desire to run into battle, but because he's a sorcerer he has no ability to take a hit, therefore, the little squishy was near death too many times to count.
Now in Jason's defense he was learning to do quite well at staying out of battle and letting the fighters do it all, but when I tell you how he died you'll understand why death was necessary.
We get to a little town, the miners are all drinking in the pub. . . in the middle of the day. We ask what's up and they say they were happily digging away in the salt mine when suddenly something came out and anyone he touched got very dehydrated and sick.
We go to investigate and find 3 salt mummies trying to dig something out of the rocks. After dispatching them we open up the door that they were trying to uncover and find a burial chamber. There are runes written on all of the statues and junk so I say "We need to read them. Jason you know how to read that go for it."
Without thinking about it he just runs straight in the room, passes by three or four statues and heads straight for the sarcophagus to read what's written on it. Needless to say the magic mummy that was off to the side didn't give him any warning and suddenly he was struck with continuous lightening for a minute or so. Thus he brought his death upon himself. . . with my egging.
But, in my defense I also had a spell ready. I reincarnated him into another body.
this is my hubby now:
Considering the fact that I'm an elf I think it's a good change :) Plus he is now half-dragon which means he'll be able to fight and fly and cast spells all over the place. Go my hubby!!!
That was our D&D fun this week :)
Lastly I have started a new project: Halloween costumes
Here's mine:
Remember I'm going to become my character from D&D
Thus here is the dress but the material will be darker and closer to the brown's of nature.
This is the ribbon I've chosen for the belt.
And here is Jason, who will now be a Niomus instead of a dwarf. . . much easier I might add.
We'll have to bulk up the back just a little bit to make it look like he's hiding wings under there, but that shouldn't be too hard.
Wish me luck. Alisabeth's is mostly done. I just need to get finishing touches. We'll take pictures of the various parts as soon as we get them done. . . you have to pretend you think they look awesome for my confidences sake :)