Alisabeth has found that she really enjoys wrestling and rocking in her rocking chair. In both things she gets a little overzealous at times. We manage to have fun too.
We had the Raybons over for food and games on Friday evening and Paige found that she enjoys stuffing herself into small spaces and taking twirls on our computer chair. Watch her eyes closely at the end of the video. It was hilarious.
Saturday morning we went to the Rexburg parade and enjoyed our time immensely. Alisabeth got candy and chocolate milk from some of he entrants. It was nice. Right after that we headed up to the dam again to enjoy time with the neighbors and their family.
This is a before and after of the trip to the dam. Isn't she beautiful when she's sleeping?
Between hotdogs, fruit, the juciest watermelon I've ever had, and finishing naptime we really enjoyed the warm summer day. We ended up staying there until about 4 oclock.
After that we returned home and got invited almost immediately to a barbeque by the Raybons.
When we finished eating we decided to leave the boys at home to clean up the mess and we ran to the "Red Box" and got a movie and some fireworks to celebrate the fourth. By the time we got home they were just arriving from cleanup duty.
We decided to set everything off right away because the babies were getting ready for bed and we thought they might enjoy it. We were right. They enjoyed it so much that Jason and Brian went back and spent our life savings on another couple of sets.
We were soon joined by several neighbors and spent about 2 hours setting of sparklers and other assorted goodies.
After that Alisabeth begged to be put to sleep and we were able to start the movie and enjoy life. . .until we realized that it was almost 11 oclock already.
The only other thing of excitement for me was that I got to teach the lesson in church this sunday. I always enjoy teaching and it was a really neat lesson on keeping our lives focussed on the Truth that God teaches us without allowing ourselves to be distracted by satan or the influences of the world.
Also we played D&D again. . . finally . . . It was a good round. We took out two gelatinous cubes and a bunch of ghouls who had been created by a ghast. I finally reached level 4 too which means I can add a few new spells to my repertoire. Jason did really well this round too. He decided to play his character and tried spells rather than combat (because sorcerers just aren't meant to do hand-to-hand fighting) unfortunately for him he was touched by a ghoul and ended up frozen in place anyway. I stepped in and protected his inert body until we could defeat the remaining villians and then we were able to unparalyze him.
Jason has had some horrible gas this week, he has also had alergies, but despite all of that he has continued to enjoy his physics class. He was able to look at my chicken cordon bleu recipe and decided that it reminds him of the Gospel of Christ because there are a variety of ways that it can be prepared, just like we are each unique while still being good, yet there are some constants that we must do, like having the "heat" of Christ keep us at the right temperature so that we turn out all right, otherwise we're raw and gross and make people sick.
He was also able to go to the temple to do some work for his family and felt really good about that.
Alisabeth is also growing in leaps and bounds. She seems to completely understand everything we've been telling her. She says please and thank you (usually). She also comes when you call her, fetches books or toys and is getting prepared to be a great big sister. Jason spent the afternoon with her in the school gardens where they picked a few nice picture locations.
Oh, and our first tomato is ripening as we speak. It's nice and red and we're just waiting for it to become ripe!!!! We're very excited about that. The rest of the garden is doing amazingly. I never knew what potatoe plants looked like, they're huge!
We'll take pictures this next week so you can compare them to a few weeks ago. There's a huge difference.
No science fact this week since we didn't have class and I haven't been able to open my book all week.
WHEN(!?) Will Alisa be a big sister?
ReplyDeleteNot yet unfortunately. We're hoping we get pregnant anytime after August first because then the baby will be born right after Jason graduates and he can support us so I can stay home.