So if you've been following my posts you know that I said winter was here. Well I was wrong back then because it didn't really get here until this week. The temperature dropped to a nice 40 degree average and it's gorgeous outside. My light coat is enough for most trips outside and my closed shoes are nice and cosy. I wouldn't however, recommend open toed sandals. Especially when you will have to walk home (because the baby finally fell asleep and your husband doesn't think it's a good idea to leave her and come and get you so you won't freeze to death. :p)
Like she would really mind?!! This week she's made much progress. She now tells you when she has run out of food on her tray, and she calls mama for Jason and dada for me. . . we're still working on that part :p.
She has discovered sheppard's pie and loves it. She also enjoys peas. However she really doesn't appreciate green beans. When given one she simply takes it out of her mouth, throws it behind her and opens her mouth again for more. The picture to the left is after she ran out of raviolli. She enjoys that too, but her favorite things in the world right now are hotdogs, manderine oranges and bananas. So I start her out every morning with a banana and some healthy cereal (of which she eats only a little) and a cup of milk and then for lunch she starts with a corndog while I fix what she's really going to eat. The appetite on this little tike is amazing! I was told that her appetite was supposed to decrease when she turned one, but I found that as I began to feed her real food she went to town. You can't feed her enough. The only time she stops is when she's gotten sick of the taste of whatever it is you've given her.

She also re-discovered her baby swing. It's only supposed to hold 20 lbs, but she doesn't really care about that. It doesn't have batteries either, but she'll grab a stuffed animal and maybe a blanket and head right over to it when she gets a chance. . . not to sleep mind, just because she wants to sit in it. And heaven forbid it doesn't allow her to get in right away for some reason because then we all hear about it! Did I even mention that she has developed quite a set of lungs? I can't imagine how you could look at this little girl and not love her though. It's crazy how that happens.

The other great and exciting adventure came when we were invited over for FHE at our neighbor's house. She's a Mary Kay rep and wanted the guy's help practicing because she'd never done a guy's show before. Dutifully they all came over, mostly clean shaven because of the school dress-code which requires clean faces, and lathered up and shaved their 5 o'clock shadows :)
Don't we have some great guys? It was a fun party and I got lots of pictures to use as blackmail. . . strangly most of them were gone when I went to search the camera. . .
That's about all of the exciting adventures for the week. Alisabeth got to play in the mud, I passed all of my tests with A's for the week and I actually began to understand cash flow statements and balance sheet accounts. Ah, it's getting scary, I feel like I'm beginning to comprehend accounting?!!!
Galusha (my accounting job here) is hiring their last intern for tax season this week. I have a friend up for the vote. I hope she gets it because she really wants it. She's been in several groups with me since I've been up here and each time I am really impressed at her level of understanding and preparation. I think they would be really impressed.
Oh, and for those of you who haven't yet received an invitation. I'm throwing a Pampered Chef party on the 20th of this month right before Thanksgiving. It's the perfect time to get your stoneware 20% off for your holiday baking! (I'm getting one of the large stone baking pans for $11 for hosting a show, so I couldn't pass it up!). If you want to see what they've got for the holidays I can send you an E-invitation so let me know.
Well, that's about the extend of our crazy week. Jason was able to help me out so much that I was almost completely stress free this week and it felt great. (Is it bad that I'm glad he got laid off?) Well, thanks for sharing this week with me. I love you all!
So how much does Alissa weigh now?
ReplyDeleteAbout 23 lbs. Not that much bigger, but we had it packed away until she found it a weeks or so ago. Then she wouldn't leave it alone until we brought it out for her.
ReplyDeleteHey - my sister-in-law is getting rid of all her brand new baby girl clothes sizes premie to 2T for only $1/outfit.
ReplyDeleteHer name is Vicki: 317-2714, just call her