Saturday, October 18, 2008

The first first!

Today we celebrated Alisa's first birthday. She was completely oblivious as to why people were coming over, but seeing as our house is often crazy with families and people she wasn't put out. Then we brought out the cupcake tower with her one candle and she could see that this was no ordinary
day. . . Needless to say she is a pyromaniac just like her parents. Even the smell of chocolate didn't distract her from the little flame.

She received several nice gifts from grandparents and a few from neighbors, but she was so fascinated by each gift that it was a struggle to get her to let that one go for a second so she could open another one! She got two books, a bath toy boat, letters for her floor, a dancing tower, and giant legos. . . all in all, this kid made out like a bandit!
She even got to play in her own personal cake, which was the most important part of the day. . . thank heavens for carpet cleaning solutions.

Then later in the evening she had another great first, her first Halloween Party. Jason dressed up as Clark Kent with a blue shirt under a red and yellow tie and his hair dyed black, I was Lois Lane, intreped reporter, and Alisa was Cryptonite. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, even though she was extremely tired toward the end.


  1. It's so cool that you guys have a blog! Jason is going to be stoked! haha...I'll have to let him know. It's a great way to keep in touch with everyone!

  2. Well - that party looked like tons of fun, and Theresa, you looked HOT!!! Cryptonite?!?! Only you guys could come up with something so cool. Tell my little girl Happy B-day from the crazy lady who used to watch her :)

  3. Good thing you told me she was Cryptonite . . . i thought you might have dressed her up like a booger (it is flu season). LOL

    I cant wait to see more posts.
