The following are pictures I think I haven't posted before. If they're re-runs. . . sry.
Princess dress, the umbrella she purchased for herself, and snow, nothing could make her happy.
The video I'm including is from an email I received at work a few weeks ago . . . at least it was using mattresses and not cardboard boxes.
This is the video from last week: Puzzle Magic. I took two videos, but this one is the cutest. The first one was five minutes before when she still had about 1/2 the sky left to finish.
So one last thing that my little girl did this week: she helped her daddy move some heavy stuff into the basement storage with no complains so she earned enough allowance this week to purchase the next item on her list, a purse. It's brown with a purple/silver design on the sides. It's way cute, but already too small for the many toys she wants to cram inside. :)
As for Jason, he's having a much better week than the last post. He has regained some of the hearing in his ear, though the doctors said it could be a month before it all comes back. We also got the hospital bill. $800!. I was shocked and asked for an itemized bill. Most of the smaller charges were actually more reasonable than I expected for an ER visit, so I didn't fight the room rental charge which was more than 1/2 the cost. I wanted to ask for a copy of their financial statements for last year to calculate the actual cost of a room for 2 hrs, but I stopped myself.
He also talked with his advisor this week, who is a teacher in his new career field. (I love that the guidance comes from people who actually understand the field and goals). Jason was told that he's on track and doing all the right things. The man also knew of the Master's program that Jason is considering and mentioned another within the same school that is also gov't funded. In exchange for 2 years after graduation they pay for all schooling (Master's program) and give a living allowance. So Jason now has a few options to consider. He's excited.
Lastly for him we finally got to an eye doctor now that we're on a vision plan through my work.
He wanted contacts, so now he has to wait for them to order them (because his prescription is right in the middle of the two they stock). I'm excited that we're finally getting his broken glasses replaced. Tape just isn't meant to hold glasses long-term :)
As for me this week was great. Every time I ran out of work I was given a project which required thought and research so I've been enjoying it.
I feel bad for the intern though. He was hired for audit, but they got the audits done in half the normal time this year, so he's been doing tax. Every time he makes a comment to me I can't help but laugh.
"I don't understand check-tapes! I didn't even include this number and it still balances!"
"Um, it should be on there. . . unless there is an overall loss and then it wouldn't be deductible."
"Oh, well there was a loss."
"Well, there ya go, but it should still be on your checktape and then backed off at the bottom as a carry-over to next year."
"It's so frustrating. The last few returns they've given me I can't finish! I don't understand why they're giving them to me when I can't finish them!"
"Well, actually, that's one of the major reasons for us. As we enter and list what items we're missing it saves the reviewer time and effort and costs the client less in the end. Most clients don't give all their information the first time around."
Listening to him parrot things I said in my first few years I just have to give a shout out to my old boss who patiently explained all of this to me and taught me the process of a normal firm. That's one thing my company doesn't spend very much time doing. They give two days of training and then whatever feedback they deign to mention, but there's so much they don't say or just fix on their own because it's faster. Steve was always very nit-picky and would send things back for minor changes, or would print off the corrections and write notes and put them on my desk. At the time I found it bothersome, but I now understand and am grateful for it.