This is the right way to shuffle Killer Bunnies :)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
. . . Another Update
I know I already blogged tonight but after Alisabeth went to sleep Jason and I played one of our favorite games and I had to add a couple of pictures:

This is the right way to shuffle Killer Bunnies :)
This is the right way to shuffle Killer Bunnies :)
I wanted to include this just to show my mother that her presents weren't wasted :) These are really cute little clips but the main pictures on the package only show them being used for full up-dos. They work well for more than that though.
This week was a good one, in fact, it's been really great. I've worked really hard to get into the whole "mother" role and just focus on being a stay-at-home mom. Alisabeth partnered with me in my efforts and made sure that there was ALWAYS something to clean up. I have vacuumed at least 3 times in the last 7 days :)
I have also done at least 2 loads of dishes a day. . . which is unusual, but I think I've finally caught everything up and we should be back on track. As for the laundry, I've been keeping up on that pretty well, so no change there, but I'm considering taking on the additional challenge of keeping the bed made daily. . . I haven't started yet. . . but I'm considering it :) With our bed it's easy for a while, but after about 4 days the mattress has moved enough that the four corners of the mattress cover come undone and then it's impossible for it to look good anyway. I guess that should be a sign that we need to get a better mattress cover, but we'll have to wait on that one.
I've also been doing really well on my goal to pack 2 boxes a day. I've packed pretty much everything we don't use daily, so now I'm working on the hard cleaning. I did the fridge last week. I finished the stove yesterday. Sometime this week, (maybe tomorrow since I don't need the stove) I'll pull both the stove and the fridge out of their holes so I can deep-clean under them. My last big chore will then be the blinds which get absolutely glued with dust over the course of a few years. I'm thinking I'll wait 2 more weeks on those and make my mother do them when she gets here. . . after all, she claims she's coming to work, so this will just be the ultimate test :)
Jason is doing well in school. He tells me about his classes daily. The one that irritates me the most is the Business management class. They are currently discussion HR issues, especially those regarding discrimination. I am absolutely and utterly disgusted with that issue, so every day he comes home and explains their latest articles and the class discussion that goes with it, and I get all hot under the collar and boil for about an hour and then I calm down and forget about it for two days. Ah the joys of modern living.
We also had a really cool experience yesterday. In every ward there is one or more people asked to be "ward missionaries" Their role is to help missionaries and that work. We don't have missionaries, and being in a church-school setting there aren't any non-Mormons around, so instead they organized an outing to the visitor's center at the temple in Idaho Falls. We went and listened to a message about the Savior and all that He has done for us, and then we watched a fairly recently made movie about the beginnings of our church and the testimony of Joseph Smith about what he saw and learned about Christ's desire for all of us to come unto Him. It was really a great experience. We then had cookies, came home and put Alisabeth to bed.
I am also currently planning a couple of parties for the next couple of weeks, baby-showers, birthday parties and even a Mary Kay party. I don't know how I get roped into these things, but there ya go. They should all be a blast.
We went on a shopping trip to gather the supplies for the baby shower and I ended up getting some nail polish for the little animal. I couldn't choose which one I liked more so I got these 2. Alisabeth actually sat still and blew on her fingers and spent more time than I had expected. . . Congratulations mom, it looks like you've got your Spa mate right here :)
Monday, January 18, 2010
My husband is amazing!
I was left alone in my room and woke up to the sound of an empty house. When I came to I headed for the shower. Half-way through I heard a little animal squeel in the front room and knew that my husband had brought her home.
I thought nothing of this, but when I came out of the bathroom this was the second thing I saw. . . Isn't he amazing?!
They're absolutely beautiful, and the last ones the florist had in stock. Gotta love fate :)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
We were going to go to the temple today, but the wait to do anything was over an hour, and I had time constraints (a surprise birthday party for Jason), so we decided to postpone.
Instead we came home and used the time we would have been there to do family history at home. . . I got addicted again.
The church put together a new on-line database. Anyone can use it, and I haven't yet because I've been lazy (I hate trying to learn new technology).
Anyway I finally gave in and went on and started playing around with it. At first I was way frustrated because it was missing a lot of information that I already had found. Then I tried uploading my information and got all kinds of errors (I was trying to give it too much information)
Anyway after about 30 minutes everything came together and suddenly I was surrounded by information! I was immediately able to find some things that I hadn't come across yet, and the best discovery yet?
I found the birth parents of my great-grandmother on my father's side. I had her adopted parents and all of the information related to them and their children, but I had continually been frustrated when I tried to find out where she had come from. Luckily for me, someone else in her family had been keeping track and I found her real parents and was able to make the biological link I had been looking for for years! I love technology!
Family history is so cool. I love to learn who I came from. I really wish I had more stories about my family. (Hint, hint, hint!)
If anyone wants to send a few good memories of those who have departed, or wants to tell me about those who are still here I would LOVE to hear about it!
Anyway, on to the surprise party. :)
Instead we came home and used the time we would have been there to do family history at home. . . I got addicted again.
The church put together a new on-line database. Anyone can use it, and I haven't yet because I've been lazy (I hate trying to learn new technology).
Anyway I finally gave in and went on and started playing around with it. At first I was way frustrated because it was missing a lot of information that I already had found. Then I tried uploading my information and got all kinds of errors (I was trying to give it too much information)
Anyway after about 30 minutes everything came together and suddenly I was surrounded by information! I was immediately able to find some things that I hadn't come across yet, and the best discovery yet?
I found the birth parents of my great-grandmother on my father's side. I had her adopted parents and all of the information related to them and their children, but I had continually been frustrated when I tried to find out where she had come from. Luckily for me, someone else in her family had been keeping track and I found her real parents and was able to make the biological link I had been looking for for years! I love technology!
Family history is so cool. I love to learn who I came from. I really wish I had more stories about my family. (Hint, hint, hint!)
If anyone wants to send a few good memories of those who have departed, or wants to tell me about those who are still here I would LOVE to hear about it!
Anyway, on to the surprise party. :)
Friday, January 8, 2010
Don't Panic!
So there was a little accident today.

I wouldn't worry too much about it though, the candle-warmer and scent wax will be fine.

I was trying my best not to shake it while I unplugged it so that I could empty it out and change it for the company that would be arriving in a matter or minutes. . . That was a bad idea. In my rush it went everywhere and now I have to clean my whole bathroom tomorrow :)
Ah well, at least dinner went really well. We polished off about 6lbs of meat along with rice, lettuce, tomatoes, sauce, 16 tortillas, and about 2 lbs of cheese. It's the first time in our feeding history that we haven't had leftovers to speak of. I was pretty impressed with our guests. They will definitely be receiving a return invitation :)
I wouldn't worry too much about it though, the candle-warmer and scent wax will be fine.
I was trying my best not to shake it while I unplugged it so that I could empty it out and change it for the company that would be arriving in a matter or minutes. . . That was a bad idea. In my rush it went everywhere and now I have to clean my whole bathroom tomorrow :)
Ah well, at least dinner went really well. We polished off about 6lbs of meat along with rice, lettuce, tomatoes, sauce, 16 tortillas, and about 2 lbs of cheese. It's the first time in our feeding history that we haven't had leftovers to speak of. I was pretty impressed with our guests. They will definitely be receiving a return invitation :)
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